From dismounted soldier training to instruction on weapons systems, Virtual Battlespace has been integrated into a range of projects to enhance live, virtual and constructive military simulation and training.
The Showcase section of BISim’s website highlights several recent case studies where VBS served as a key enabler for customers developing, testing and employing training solutions for defense organizations.
These include the following:
Beca Ltd. used VBS2 as part of its Phalanx Close-In Weapons System trainer for the Royal New Zealand Navy.
The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and DSC Inc. have developed a seated user interface for dismounted soldier training for the U.S Marine Corps using VBS3.
British firm NSC Inc. used VBS to develop a custom-built Base ISTAR system for the UK Army.
At CWIX 2014, Polish manufacturer TELDAT successfully tested the interoperability of its BMS JASMINE with VBS2.
If you’re using VBS as part of a modelling, simulation and training solution and would like to be considered for inclusion in BISim’s Showcase section, contact our Marketing team.
Learn more about how our VBS Developer Network license can help you meet your customers' modelling, training and simulation needs in our Marketplace.
Source: BISimulations.com - Article
Image: None.