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CXC Delivers VBS4 Licences to Asian Customer

Creativex Consulting has successfully delivered its first batch of VBS4 licences from BISIM to its Asian customer.

As part of the deliverables, Creativex successfully showcased the capabilities and features of VBS4 in a Virtual Reality (VR) free roaming environment. The VBS World Server (VWS) was also deployed adding the option of a central terrain server capability to a VBS4 setup. This facilitates ease-of-use for the administrator who only needs to administer one terrain database.

The setup allows the capability to train up to 10 trainees at any one time in a free roaming environment using backpack PCs in different training scenarios. CXC also successfully integrated support for virtual reality interactions to VBS4 including full-finger tracking to enhance gesturing and complex hand signals to other trainees. CXC also integrated driving controls, weapon tracking etc allowing the users to develop add-on training scenarios using these VR devices on their own.

Creativex Consulting provides professional services with its technology partners like BISIM to provide end users with proof of concept development to showcase the capabilities of its products, allowing users to test out the products through small scale training testbeds before full training system deployment.

"CXC is committed to its regional customers in the use of the simulation software products we represent to ensure that they have the direct reach to first level technical development support through our product development team to better understand the capabilities of the software so that they have an effective training solution down the road" - says Chris Lim, Director (Business Development) of CXC.

Please contact us for any VBS4 product information at


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