CXC Receives Singapore Varjo XR3 Order

Creativex Consulting has received an order to deliver Varjo's XR3 headsets to a Singapore academic customer where Varjo's latest headset will be used as part of its research themes such as lifestyle media in ubiquitous societies and global computing.
Varjo's Next Generation XR3 headsets, launched in Jan 2021, provides the latest technology, taking you to another level of performance and emotional immersion - recreating the exact feeling and conditions of real life, allowing you to perform better and learn faster.

Seamless blending of real and virtual. Achieved through 12-megapixel, low-latency video pass-through technology.
Human-eye resolution Bionic Display. Highest resolution across a 115° field of view for unmatched realism and visibility.
Pixel-perfect depth awareness through LiDAR and stereo RGB.
Natural interactions. Integrated eye tracking (200 Hz) and Ultraleap (v5) hand tracking.
Inside-out tracking (beta). Vastly improving XR tracking accuracy without the need to set up base stations.
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