Issuance of Itemised Pay slips and Key Employment Terms with effect from 1 April 2016
Changes to the Employment Act (EA) requiring employers to issue itemised pay slips and key employment terms come into effect on 1 April 2016.
The objectives of these changes are to:
Improve employment standards; and
Facilitate the resolution of any employment-related disputes, should these arise.
For more details on the EA changes, please refer to Amendments to the Employment Act webpage.
Employers can tap on the assistance package for the following:
Blank payslips and KETs that can be filled in by hand.
Software for generating itemised pay slips.
One-to-one assistance for SMEs.
As announced in August 2015, MOM will adopt a light-touch enforcement approach and focus on educating employers in the first year.
Source: Government of Singapore, Ministry of Manpower website, content subject to changes. Please check Ministry of Manpower website for updated information.