Trian3DBuilder Update to Version 5.7

From now on the minor update of Trian3DBuilder is available. It brings new features and improvements to speed up the work with Trian3DBuilder.
Export supports Multi Textures.
Support of multi texture for terrain and objects
New modifier MultiTexture to define multiple texture layers for generated geometry
New texture layer grid in texture rollup to define multiple terrain layers
Mix terrain texture layers and modifier profile texture layers to support smooth blending via vector attribute
New modifier LayerOfDetail to create LOD nodes for assigned modifier stack
Generation is faster due to better algorithms for the calculation of object collision during generation.
Road WYSIWYG handling improved: Edit crossing start points provides special helper points that follow the road.
Complex VBS Roads and Junctions and support of VBS Export in Trian3DBuilder - 64bit Version.

Service & Support customers can download the update easily via Help -> Search for Updates inside of the Software.
If the update function does not work because of e.g. local security settings, please send an eMail to our support team to receive a direct download Link:
Release Notes for Trian3DBuilder 5.7
speed up object collision in generation
support multi texture for terrain and objects
new modifier multi texture to define multiple texture layers for generated geometry
new texture layer grid in texture rollup (command panel -> build -> settings) to define multiple detail terrain layers
mix terrain texture layers and modifier profile texture layers to support smooth blending via vector attribute
new modifier LayerOfDetail to create LOD nodes for assigned modifier stack
Road WYSIWYG: Edit crossing start points - Special helper point that follows road
speedup VBS collision body creation
speedup vector tool "inner ares to child"
modifer profiler: support change of texture during lane
[fix] issue when converting clothoid to line
[fix] shape import with string attributes, set z value 0
fix crash for invalid edited crossings
fix section length
fix pedestrian signals
fixsignals at transitions where not exported
fix wrong crossing start segments
change opendrive wkt -> proj4 for version 1.4
fix intern geometries, when lane width changes
[fix] Save project with all data (copy footprint files of Geometry files)
[fix] fixed texture on roof in EDITING_VERSION
[fix] fix forkings without driving lanes
[fix] fix texture in file for osgb, osgt, osgx
[fix] Insert + Building XT with different height types
[fix] fix crash mod vec attrib gdb assignment
[fix] placements of lights via modifier contour placer
[fix] DDS compression & Render to Texture & sensor with multi threads
[fix] shape import in ccw order
[fix] filedlg multiple selection vector import
[fix] signal position behind end of the road
[fix] unitscale in fbx export
[fix] senor generation without geotypic modul
[fix] place objects via drop height type on Building interior models
[fix] broken local overrides
[fix] clip markings via ClipOnSurface height type on all lane type except curbs