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TrianGraphics at DSC 2016 EUROPE

TrianGraphics is exhibiting at this year's "DSC Driving Simulation Conference & Exhibition" in Paris, showcasing the latest version of the terrain database generation software Trian3DBuilder. The complete road generation with Trian3DBuilder is in the focus:

The spectrum ranges from import of real road networks from eg. Open Street Map or Here RDF over the generation and editing up to the export to OpenDrive and other common 3D formats.

Held in Paris (France), the 2016 edition of the DSC conference is organized by the Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Renault, IFSTTAR and the Driving Simulation Association, and sponsored by Optis.

The goal of this international conference is to propose to academics and practitioners an all-round view of the state of the art of driving simulation technology, research and development.

In this conference, with just the right mix of science and industry, you have the opportunity to meet and discuss in a friendly environment with representatives of the world’s leading car manufacturers and suppliers. As a researcher, you are invited to share your most recent findings, rigorously peer-reviewed, and to attend the presentations of other scientists working on related, or completely different, fields.

This edition is strongly committed to the improvement of already appreciated features of the previous editions, like the variety of the topics, the presence of poster sessions, Keynotes, Driving Simulators Symposium and the concurrent exhibition.

The proceedings of the DSC 2016 are available on the Driving Simulation Association website.

For organiser website, please click link here.

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